Efficient Yiting Agriculture
发布日期:2020-10-19 浏览次数:


On October 13, in the smart plantation of modern agriculture in Gangyao Village, Yiting Town, fruits and vegetables showed signs of growing well. The plantation uses a smart Cloud platform to realize real-time detection of plants’ growing environment in the garden, with an automated system managing it accurately. 

Since the beginning of this year, by leveraging the advantage of the brand “Aroma of Brown Sugar,” Yiting has been working to bring together several key agricultural projects: the “rice bag,” “vegetable basket,” “sugar jar,” and “fruit plate.” It has also focused on the foundation of food production to realize the goal of turning an area of 700,000 square meters of nursery stock land into functional, grain-growing land. Yiting aims to build a smart agricultural industrial park and establish an industrial chain for modern, efficient agriculture. (Text and photo by Zhang Yunfei, translated by Zhang Jiajia, edited by Kendra Fiddler)



今年以来,义亭镇以“1+3+4+X”谋划农业农村发展,依托红糖飘香精品线,集聚若干农业重点项目,覆盖米袋子”“菜篮子”“糖罐子”“果盘子,守牢粮食生产这一根本,完成粮食生产功能区退苗还粮”1050亩,打造智慧农业产业园,形成现代高效农业产业链。(全媒体记者 张云飞 摄)

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