Ndiky Ravis, Onanga Gedeon: Our story with Jinhua
发布日期:2020-10-19 浏览次数:

Age: 20




Name: Onanga Jolga Gedeon

Nationality: Congolese

Age: 23




New arrival/初来乍到

In October 2018, Ndiky and Onanga came to Dongyang for the first time. They were accepted into a four-year program at Zhejiang Guangsha Vocational and Technicial University of Construction (GSCACT). During their first year, they took preparatory Chinese language classes, focusing on both the language and culture.


"The school arranged language partners to guide us around campus, help us adapt to the new environment and embark on our new college life," said Ndiky, whose language partner, Du Weiwei, is from Shanghai and graduated last year.

“学校特地给我们安排了‘语伴’,带我们熟悉校园环境,尽快融入这里,开始全新的学习生活。” 杜志远说,他的“语伴”杜伟伟是上海人,去年已毕业。 

Du Weiwei gave Ndiky his Chinese name - 杜志远 (Du Zhiyuan, where "Du" is the family name, "Zhiyuan" means "aim far and high").


The story of Onanga's Chinese name is even funnier. "My language partner's name is Tong Mengfan. Xiaodong (小东, "Little East") was the name his mother wanted to give him, but his father chose Mengfan instead. So Mengfan decided to give me the name Xiaodong," Onanga explained.


Cultural attractiveness/文化吸引

"We often celebrate the holidays not only of our own country, but also of China." Chinese festivals are rich in traditional customs, and teachers at GSCACT often celebrate together with students.

“我们经常过节,不仅过自己国家的节日,也过中国节。” 特别是中国的传统节日,有各种习俗。老师会带他们一起体验,童小东觉得很新奇,也很好玩。

These festivals were not celebrated in vain; "I can now make dumplings, tangyuan, and zongzi, and I have tried making mooncakes (yuebing)," said Onanga. During this process, he also learned a bit more about traditional Chinese culture.

这么多节日可不是白过的,他自豪地说:“我现在会包饺子、包汤圆、包粽子,还试过做月饼。” 在这个过程中,他对中国传统文化也多了几分了解。

On the recommendation of their teacher, the two men also read Journey to the Westand fell in love with it. Onanga said his favorite is the Monkey King, "I think he is so powerful and brave." Ndiky said he prefers Zhu Bajie and talked about him enthusiastically.

在老师的推荐下,他们还爱上了《西游记》。童小东最喜欢孙悟空,“我觉得他特别厉害,又很勇敢” 杜志远则喜欢憨憨的猪八戒,一说起猪八戒就乐不可支。

Before coming to China, Onanga and Ndiky already knew that China was home to many beautiful places, so in addition to studying, they also enjoy traveling and local customs.


The two are also very interested in martial arts, being lovers of the film series IP Manand fans of Jackie Chan. They also admire a number of historical and contemporary Chinese figures, such as Confucius and Jack Ma.


Woodcarving major/专业学习

The main reason Ndiky and Onanga came to GSCACT is to learn about woodcarving.


In 2018, the President of the Republic of Congo personally signed an agreement on an international student project, sending 21 students to study woodcarving in China. 


Not long after starting the program, teachers brought the students to Dongyang Woodcarving Town and the Chinese Woodcarving Museum. During these visits, students learned to appreciate the expertise of local artists and studied the history and development of woodcarving in Dongyang.


The room in which they learned about woodcarving is known as "Lu Ban's Workshop."The students were already familiar with Lu Ban, a Chinese structural engineer, inventor, and carpenter during the Zhou Dynasty (c.11th century-256 BC), because they had heard of the Burr Puzzle (鲁班锁, or Lu Ban's Lock), and they were able to recreate it with the help of their teachers.


Ndiky and Onanga are not only attending classes, but also thinking about their future plans. After graduating, Ndiky would like to return home and be involved in furniture, as the Congo boasts an abundance of lumber resources. He hopes he will be able to make use of the woodcarving techniques he is learning in Dongyang.


"It doesn't really matter where we go after this. Dongyang will always be with us." For both Ndiky and Onanga, studying and living in Dongyang has been an invaluable experience and has created new opportunities for their futures.

“不管以后去哪里,我们都不会忘记东阳。” 对杜志远和童小东来说,在东阳的学习经历很宝贵,也为他们的人生提供了一个新方向。

(By Yao Yanxia, translated by Marco Lovisetto, edited by Kendra Fiddler)





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