Fire Stamping to Observe National Day
发布日期:2020-10-20 浏览次数:


On the evening of October 4, villagers of Shuangfeng Village in Pan’an performed its cultural custom “Fire Stamping.” More than 80 baskets of charcoal were laid out to make a fire altar and performers ran through it. The fire stamping activity is a unique and long-standing piece of intangible cultural heritage in Pan’an. (By Kong Debin, translated by Lin Yuqin, edited by Mariam Ayad) 


104日晚,磐安县双峰乡村民在表演炼火。当天晚上,双峰乡举行炼火活动,村民用80多筐木炭铺成火坛,在其间奔走穿梭。炼火又称踩火,是磐安县特有的非遗民俗,历史悠久。孔德宾 /


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