Jinhua Football Team at National Camp
发布日期:2020-10-21 浏览次数:

On October 9, the 2020 National Youth Campus Football Summer Camp was successfully closed, and the Jinhua team received a good result: a total of 8 players from Jinhua were enlisted into the National Youth Campus Football Team, including 3 players in the elementary school group, 2 in the junior high school group, and 3 in the senior high school group. Jinhua takes a lead in the province in terms of the number of the selected players. (By Ye Jun, translated by Shen Yingying, edited by Mariam Ayad) 

   金华在全国校园足球 遴选中喜获好成绩

   109日,2020年全国青少年校园足球夏令营顺利闭营,金华代表队喜获好成绩:我市共有8位选手入选全国青少年校园足球最佳阵容名单,其中小学组3人,初中组2人,高中组3人,入选人数位居全省前列。(记者 叶骏)

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