International White Cane Safety Day
发布日期:2020-10-22 浏览次数:


October 15 is the 37th International White Cane Safety Day. On October 13, the Jinhua Disabled Persons’ Federation and the 12345 (8890) Bright Club organized an activity titled “100 Blind People Traveling in Jinhua.” The volunteers provided the blind and their families with one-on-one services during their visit to Jinman Lake Wetland Park in Jinyi New Urban District.

Most of the participants are in close contact with the 12345 (8890) Bright Club. They call 12345 (8890) for help when encountering difficulties in life and actively participate in activities organized by the Club.

The activity of “100 Blind People Traveling in Jinhua” has become a trademark of the Club’s public welfare activities. In recent years, volunteers have led blind participants to the Jinlin Citrus Medica Plantation, Jinhua Museum, Yanweizhou Park, Lanxi Lanhu Tourist Resort, Wuyi Fluorite Museum, and other scenic spots. The Club has organized over 30 activities and served more than 1000 blind people. (By Wu Zhangyi, translated by Jin Haiqiong, edited by Kendra Fiddler)

       国际盲人节 组织盲人朋友游金满湖






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