Amro Zaghloul: My story with Jinhua
发布日期:2020-10-23 浏览次数:


Name: Amro Zaghloul

Chinese Name: 埃米尔

Nationality:  Egyptian

Age:  32

Occupation: Actor




Bio: Amro Zaghloul is now fluent in English, Chinese, Arabic, and French. He graduated from Ain Shams University in 2009 and came to Jinhua, Zhejiang province in 2011 to begin a graduate program of Chinese International Education at Zhejiang Normal University (ZJNU). In 2016, he started his PhD program. 


He has starred in a number of films and TV shows, including Zhenhai Defense,Wenzhou Family, Overseas Security Officer, Heavenly Sword: Dragon-Slaying Saber,Project Genius, and Sniper

出演的影视作品有《镇海保卫战》、《温州两家人》、《莫语者》、《倚天屠龙记》、《天才计划》、《狙击手》等 。


Happiness in studying and acting

"When I was young, Jackie Chan was my favorite. This was the main reason why I came to China," Amro said. In 2011, at the suggestion of a teacher, Amro came to Jinhua to study at ZJNU and begin a brand-new life. 


"When I first arrived in Jinhua, I could understand almost nothing and faced many difficulties. Luckily I ran into another student from Egypt, and he helped me a lot. " Amro later rented a flat near ZJNU, but eventually had to leave Jinhua for about three years for work reasons. However, he did not terminate his lease. "This made me feel like I always had a home in Jinhua, and whenever I had time to return to Jinhua, it was like a holiday." 


In 2013, Amro was offered a role in Zhenhai Defense playing a French captain.


Amro has a passion for acting and sometimes accepts roles even if they are unpaid. "Money isn’t the reason for everything I do." Since graduating, he has worked as a tour guide, translator, salesman, and teacher. He realized that every profession has its own peculiarities, and dabbling in different fields is very enriching, giving him something to draw on in his performances.



Kindness of strangers: An intense warmth

The beginning of 2020 was a challenging time for Amro. When the epidemic began, his family called asking him to return home as soon as possible. "I didn't listen to my family’s advice, because I have been in China for so long and enjoy my life here. I don't really like the idea of running away when difficulties arise." But his family could not understand his decision, adding to the stress of the epidemic. 


Life was not at all easy: He couldn't find masks, so he couldn't enter the supermarket. He would just stand around dawdling outside the supermarket. Eventually a young lady decided to help him buy some things, and the next day she placed some extra masks in the supermarket lockers for Amro. "We didn't know each other, but she kept helping me. I was really moved and could feel her compassion," Amro remarked. 


Shortly after this, Egyptian Consul General Ahmed Abdel Aziz and counselor's assistant Abdurrahman contacted Amro. "They were very concerned about the Egyptians in Jinhua and assured us that if we ever encountered difficulties, they would provide immediate help." 

不久,埃及总领事Ahmed Abdel Aziz和参赞Abdulrahman联系了埃米尔。“他们非常关心在金华的埃及人,如果遇到困难,他们都会及时帮忙。”

Amro also reached out to Chinese actors to record videos for Egyptian people. Seeing such support for Egypt, both the Egyptian Consul General and counselor's assistant expressed gratitude. 



Adapting to Jinhua: A colorful life 

During his years in Jinhua, Amro has witnessed the transformation of the city. Keeping in touch with his family in Egypt, paying tuition, buying train tickets, dealing with banks, and applying for visas—these processes have all gradually been made easier, saving him time and allowing him to enjoy his days in China. “In China, there are many big cities where the pace of life is very fast. I prefer Jinhua, where life is relaxed and safer,” he said.


In May this year, Amro joined an online teaching project launched by ZJNU teachers that gives 1,000 students from a variety of countries the opportunity to study Chinese for three months for free. He enjoyed this because he could use his experience to help others adapt to Chinese culture.


(Text by Yao Yanxia, photos provided by Amro Zaghloul, translated by Marco Lovisetto, edited Kendra Fiddler)


来源:金华日报 (记者 姚艳霞)





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