Jinhua model appears at LV menswear show
发布日期:2020-10-23 浏览次数:

每年的LOUIS VUITTONLV)时装秀,往往在服装界高度瞩目,时装秀全球直播,参与走秀的模特也是万里挑一,今年20岁的横店影视学院的大三学生吴欣哲便是其中的幸运儿。他作为新面孔登上LV 2021春夏男装秀,用舞台表现力证明自己可以成为一名优秀的模特。

Wu Xinzhe, a 20-year-old junior at Hengdian College of Film & Television (HCFT) in Jinhua, is serving as a model for the Louis Vuitton Spring/Summer 2021 Menswear Show.


高三那年,吴欣哲看到身边有很多同学参与艺考,他也动了心。“其实,很早之前我也有一个演员梦。” 吴欣哲说,每当看到电视剧电影里男主角的演绎,他都会不自觉地代入其中。

When he was a junior in high school, Wu was tempted to participate in the arts exam after seeing many classmates do so. "In fact, I had already dreamed of becoming an actor for a long time," said Wu, adding that he would often role play as the hero of a movie or TV series.


To improve his grades, Wu decided to attend a training course. Without any acting experience, Wu was slow to learn and often practiced alone after class to keep up with his classmates. For Wu, the more he practiced, the more hope he had.


艺考失败后,吴欣哲并没有放弃自己的追求。“艺术是相通的,我一定要学与艺术相关的专业。” 抱着这个想法,吴欣哲把眼光瞄准到了横店,并报考了横店影视学院,选择了服装表演专业(模特)。

Although he failed the arts exam, Wu didn't give up on his dream. "The arts are all interlinked, so I knew I had to learn something related to art." With that in mind, Wu set his eyes on Hengdian, a town in Jinhua known as "China's Hollywood", and applied to study professional fashion shows at HCFT.

“对于模特的概念,我一开始是完全没有的。” 为了锻炼自己的体态,吴欣哲每天都会靠墙站立半小时,不断地练习台步和走位。靠着坚持不懈的努力,吴欣哲成了专业里的佼佼者。



In May 2019, Wu signed up for a nationwide model audition organized by Longteng Management, a leading model management group in China. The company signed him on the spot.

当时吴欣哲尚读大二,签约后依然需要在校学习,直到今年8月才正式到该公司跑通告。“那时候,LV 2021春夏男装秀正在遴选走秀模特,全国只有40几个名额,做梦也没想到公司能安排我去。”

Wu was a sophomore in college at that time. After signing a contract with Longteng, he continued to study until August this year, when he started participating in public activities arranged by Longteng.

"The LV Spring/Summer 2021 Menswear Show was selecting models that month and only 40 would be chosen in China," said Wu, "It never occurred to me that I would be chosen."

“模特外表光鲜亮丽,其实是个苦差事。可是,就算再苦,我也要坚持下去。” 吴欣哲明白,要成为一名顶级超模十分不易,一些普通模特甚至一两个月都不会收到通告。他说,LV 2021春夏男装秀是他第一场大秀,以后他会努力冲击国外的TOP秀,多拍一些优秀的杂志。

"Modeling is actually a lot of hard work, despite the glamorous appearance," Wu noted, "But, no matter how hard it is, I will keep going."

Wu understands that it's difficult to become a super model, and it's common for models to go one or two months without a single catwalk appearance.

Wu said that the LV show is his first major event, and he will strive to participate in more international fashion shows and shoot for more high-profile magazines in the future.

可是,就算他首秀的起点很高,但依然前路艰辛。“我给了自己两年的时间,希望自己能在模特界闯出一片天地。” 吴欣哲坦言。今后他还打算尝试做抖音自媒体,甚至再次尝试影视行业。他说,艺术领域是相通的,只要敢拼敢闯,前路一定是光明的。





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