Zhejiang’s 1st ASF-free Community in Jinhua
发布日期:2020-10-27 浏览次数:

From October 11-13, the Zhejiang African swine fever-free (ASF-free) community assessment panel evaluated the ASF-free community of Zhejiang Meibaolong Breeding Pig Co., Ltd in Jinhua. The community passed the provincial evaluation, which means that Jinhua has successfully established the first ASF-free community in Zhejiang, laying a solid foundation for the comprehensive improvement of the biosafety system of Zhejiang.

In the near future, Jinhua will further improve the construction of the ASF-free community in accordance with the suggestions given by the panel, implement normalized prevention of ASF, and strive to pass the national assessment as soon as possible. (By Zhang XinyuJinhua Daily, translated by Shen Yingying, edited by Mariam Ayad)

        News 我市成功创建全省首家非洲猪瘟无疫小区

101113日,省级无非洲猪瘟小区评估专家组对浙江美保龙种猪育种有限公司无非洲猪瘟小区进行评估。经评估审议,专家组一致同意浙江美保龙种猪育种有限公司无非洲猪瘟小区通过省级评估。这意味着我市成功创建全省首个非洲猪瘟无疫小区,为我省全面完善生物安全体系建设奠定了坚实基础。下一步,我市将按照省专家提出的意见建议,进一步完善无非洲猪瘟小区创建材料,落实非洲猪瘟常态化防控措施,争取早日通过国家评估。(金华日报 作者: 章馨予 )

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