Attendees of Shangshan Symposium Visit Qiaotou
发布日期:2020-11-18 浏览次数:

Attendees of Shangshan Symposium Visit Qiaotou


Experts visit Qiaotou Site

On the morning of November 13, experts and special guests of the academic symposium celebrating the 20th anniversary of the discovery of the Shangshan Site visited the Qiaotou Site.

At the symposium, attendees also conducted academic presentations and exchanges, illustrating a number of brand-new findings from multidisciplinary research that disclose the rich cultural connotations and academic value of the Shangshan culture.

Located in the village of Qiaotou, Chengxi Subdistrict, the archaeological excavation area of the Qiaotou Site has expanded to more than 2000 square meters since September 2004. This confirms the cultural relevance of the Qiaotou Site with the Shangshan culture. Excavations show that the Qiaotou Site is a settlement surrounded by a circular moat. Although the site has suffered a certain degree of damage, the moat remains almost completely preserved.

A large number of pits within the site are stacked with a wide range of well-preserved pottery. These objects are also conserved at different levels of stratification. The types of pottery unearthed at the Qiaotou Site include large-mouth basins, flat trays, pottery jars and pots, and trays with ringed feet, among others. The pottery pieces are bright in color, mainly red but also white, reflecting a sophisticated level of pottery decoration.

These colored pottery pieces show basic factors of the Kuahuqiao culture, which proves that the Shangshan culture contributed greatly to the evolution of the Kuahuqiao culture. Such connections will not only increase the value of the site, but will also contribute to form a more comprehensive understanding of the cultural layout of the upper reaches of the Qiantang River, and even of the whole southeast region of China, dating back to 9000 years ago. (Text and photo by Zhang Yunfei, translated by Marco Lovisetto, edited by Kendra Fiddler)





桥头遗址位于城西街道桥头村。自20049月以来,桥头遗址考古发掘面积达2000多平方米,证实这是一处上山文化遗址,最早年代距今约9000年。发掘表明,桥头遗址为一处相对独立的环壕台地聚落单元,遗址虽然遭受一定程度破坏,但环壕遗迹完整性基本确立。大量的器物坑内均堆积有大量保存较为完好的陶器,这些陶器还存在一定的叠压层次。桥头遗址出土陶器类型包括大口盆、平底盘、陶罐、陶壶、圈足盘等。陶衣鲜亮,以红衣为主,也有乳白衣,体现出陶器装饰的高超。这些彩陶具备了跨湖桥文化彩陶的基本因子,充分说明上山文化是跨湖桥文化的重要源头。桥头遗址是上山文化遗址群18个遗址中的一个,它的发现与发掘,提升了上山文化的价值,也将提升对钱塘江上游地区乃至我国整个东南地区距今9000年前后文化面貌的认识。(张云飞 /)


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