Jinhua in the eyes of Amro Zaghloul
发布日期:2020-12-10 浏览次数:


Every city has its own unique culture, scenery and food. So, what do foreigners think of Jinhua?


This series of videos, entitled Jinhua in the Eyes of Foreigners, explores the lives and views of foreigners in the city.


His name is Amro Zaghloul, a 32-year-old from Egypt. In 2011, Zaghloul came to Jinhua to pursue his master's degree in teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages at Zhejiang Normal University, and in 2016 he started studying for his doctorate at the same university.


Zaghloul is fluent in speaking Chinese thanks to his 10 years of living in China and now works as an actor in the country.


Zaghloul was recently working on a film at Jinhua's Hengdian World Studios, China's answer to Hollywood in the United States. He showed us around Hengdian and shared his experiences in shooting movies.

“我特别喜欢成龙,这是我来中国最重要的原因。” 埃米尔说,他从小喜欢看成龙的电影,模仿各种动作,也想成为一名演员,“我喜欢参加学校活动,主持、表演都拿手”。

"I'm a big fan of Jackie Chan, he's the main reason why I came to China," said Zaghloul, who has been watching Jackie Chan movies and imitating his movements since he was a child.

"I like participating in school activities and I'm pretty good at hosting and performing,"Zaghloul added.


He has shot more than 30 films and television plays, making a name for himself in show business, including acting as a figurant and a guest actor.


Zaghloul is quite familiar with Hengdian, as many films and TV plays in which he acted were shot there.



On our first stop, a set imitating the famous picture Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival, Zaghloul played a figurant with tourists in Hengdian.



One our second stop, the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties-style palaces, he put on ancient Chinese clothes to experience green screen filming.



On our third stop, the Guangzhou Street-Hong Kong Street, Zaghloul wore clothes in the period of the Republic of China (1912-1949) to experience the charming Guangzhou and Hong Kong-style views.

“横店是中国最大的影视拍摄基地,被称为‘东方好莱坞’。来这里,不仅能够偶遇中国演员,还能了解中国历史。” 埃米尔说。这两年,横店推出一系列体验项目,游客也能 “演戏”。

"Hengdian is the largest film-and-television shooting base in China and is known as 'China's Hollywood'," Zaghloul said, "Visitors not only have the chance to encounter Chinese actors here, but also can learn about the country's history."

Over the past two years, visitors have also been able to act in a play in Hengdian.





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