Yiwu Comprehensive Transportation Hub Project
发布日期:2020-12-24 浏览次数:

On December 20, at the construction site of the comprehensive transportation hub in Yiwu Railway Station, Yiwu Transportation Tourism Industry Development Group Co., Ltd. and the construction company were hard at work on the installation and casting of the crash barrier on the D ramp. To date, they have completed 75% of the subgrade filling work of Yiwu Square Avenue, all the asphalt paving work of Zhannan Fourth Road, and 80% of the sewage pipe-laying work in Yiwu Square Avenue. This means that more than 70% of the project is finished.

According to the project spokesman from Yiwu Transportation Tourism Industry Development Group, the construction of the comprehensive transportation hub in Yiwu Railway Station has already been completed, and the current focus is on the supporting municipal projects. (By Lü Bin, translated by Wei Han, edited by Kendra Fiddler)


1220日,铁路义乌站综合交通枢纽道路二标段及匝道工程现场,义乌市交旅集团及施工方正加班加点进行D匝道防撞护栏安装浇筑。截至目前,该项目广场大道路基填筑、路基施工已完成75%,站南四路沥青已摊铺完成,广场大道雨污水管道施工已完成80%。道路二标已完成总工程量的70%以上。义乌市交旅集团项目负责人介绍,目前铁路义乌站综合交通枢纽工程主体建设已完成,现重点是进行市政配套工程的建设。(全媒体记者 吕斌 摄)

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