Suoyuan Red Dowry Museum in Jinhua | |||||||
春风十里,不如你 夏阳满山,不如你 秋雨淅淅,不如你 冬雪皑皑,不如你 我说所有的所有 都不如你——琐园红妆馆 琐园红妆馆 Suoyuan Red Dowry Museum 在古时,是“许我一天花嫁,诺我一世芬芳”的十里红妆。 在小姐的闺房中,整个房间都被各种朱红的物品所照亮,尤其是那一顶凤冠霞帔,特别的炫丽,让人不禁多看几眼。 In a young lady's boudoir during ancient times, the whole room is decorated by a variety of scarlet articles, especially the phoenix coronet and robes of rank, which were so brilliant that one cannot help staring at them. 红妆指的是大户人家嫁女的陪嫁物品。大至婚床,小到女红针箧,件件精缕细刻,内外应有尽有。 "Red dowry" refers to the dowry items of brides from rich families. Ranging from the marriage bed to a maid's sewing needle suitcase, you can find everything. 出嫁那天,运送嫁妆的队伍从娘家出发,浩浩荡荡,绵延数千里,就像一条红绸带,队伍里,最醒目的就是那顶花轿了。 On the big day of wedding in ancient times, the procession carrying the bride's dowry set out from the home of bride’s parents, which was huge and mighty, stretching several miles, just like a red silk belt. In the procession, the most eye-catching was the bridal sedan chair. 这座巧夺天工的古代婚床渗透着中国民俗雅韵,体现了极深厚的中华文化艺术。 The exquisite old-fashioned marriage bed demonstrates the elegance of Chinese folk customs and embodies the richness of Chinese culture and art. 走进红妆馆,就像走进一座传统婚嫁文化的宝库,你会被琳琅满目的物品所感染,仿佛回到了明清时期的江南民间生活。 Stepping into the museum, it's as if you've stepped into a treasure trove of traditional Chinese marriage culture and been transported back to a Jiangnan water town in the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing dynasties (1644-1911). 在馆里可以欣赏到当年大户人家办喜事的客厅、小姐的闺房,亲眼目睹闺房内的女红、梳妆台。这一切都再现当年风貌。 在这里 ,大到桌床器具,小到箱笼被褥,女儿嫁往夫家,陪送嫁妆一应俱全,为了就是女人在夫家过得顺心。这些不单单是艺术品,更是老祖宗留给我们最宝贵的文化遗产和精神财富。 琐园·国际研学村景区辖琐园古村落、琐园小蝌蚪田园两个景点。 Suoyuan Village for International Cultural Studies includes scenic spots of the Suoyuan village and Suoyuan Tadpoles Garden. 琐园古村拥有庞大的明清古建筑群。明朝万历年间,村祖严守仁从孝顺严店迁居于此,距今已有450多年历史。 Suoyuan village features huge ancient buildings from the Ming and Qing dynasties. During the reign of Emperor Wanli (1563-1620) of the Ming Dynasty, Yan Shouren, the founder of the village, moved to the area from Yandian village in Xiaoshun town of Jindong district. 古村按照“七星拱月”寓意建村,非常注重风水布局。 The village in Jinhua was built in accordance with the fengshui (the principles of geomancy)-style -- "seven stars arch moon". 2011年琐园古村被认定为省级文保单位,同年被评为浙江省乡土建筑保护单位,2018年12月,列入第五批中国传统村落。 In 2011, ancient Suoyuan village was identified as a provincial cultural relic protection unit, and in the same year, it was rated as a provincial rural architecture protection unit. In December 2018, it was listed among the fifth group of traditional Chinese villages. 琐园•国际研学村景区于2016年成功创建国家3A级旅游景区,2019年被金华市认定为中小学生研学基地。 Suoyuan Village for International Cultural Studies was established as a national 3A-level tourist attraction in 2016. In 2019, it was recognized as a research base for primary and middle school students in Jinhua. 随着时间的推移,这些民间艺术品正在逐渐消失,但来到“红妆馆”我们依然可以感受到十里红妆的光芒的闪烁。在“青砖黛瓦马头墙,高宅深院小户窗”的老宅中,将我们带入别样的境地。经典、古朴、文化、匠心、尽在其中。 来源:金华旅游公众号 编辑:张婷婷 审核:刘秀红、谢慜 监制:施力维 |