Jinwu Bridge Construction in Full Swing
发布日期:2021-01-13 浏览次数:

On January 9, the construction of the Jinwu Bridge was in full swing. The construction workers have beenworking hard to ensure that the project will be completed on schedule. Since the beginning of winter, many construction team workers of key engineering projects in Jinhua have overcome the complexity and difficulties of working outside in the cold and have sped up the process of the construction, displaying their diligentnature. (Translated by Zhang Jiajia, edited by Kendra Fiddler)


9日,寒风凛冽中,金婺大桥施工现场一派热火朝天的繁忙景象。建设者们抢抓进度,确保项目如期全面建成。 入冬以来,我市多个重点工程项目施工单位克服天气寒冷、自然环境复杂的不利影响,抢抓工期赶进度,确保如期完成各项工程建设任务,诠释劳动者不畏艰难的本色。 记者 黄鸣 摄

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