Aerial video: Jinhua Ancient City | |||||||
金华的城市之根古子城 历经千年沧桑 特别是经过这些年的 培育、保护和提档升级改造 风貌焕然一新 如今的古子城 不仅白天让人流连忘返 晚上也让人心动不已 After years of protection and upgrading works, Jinhua Ancient City has taken on a new look that is not only unforgettable in the daytime, but also enchanting in the night. 五彩斑斓、旋转飞舞的灯光 不仅让这里的古建筑群变得生动活泼 也让这里的小巷变得如梦如幻 漫步其中 仿佛走进梦幻世界,让人不思归路 Colorful lights enliven its ancient buildings and transform its alleys into a dreamland, making visitors reluctant to leave. 让我们跟着金华航拍爱好者们 一起欣赏古子城 美轮美奂的夜景 Check out the following video and admire the beauty of Jinhua Ancient City under colorful lights
金华古子城城垣西邻酒坊巷、南至八咏路、东倚东市街、北抵将军路,呈不规则的四边形,全长1393米。城垣遗址围合出东西长约320米,南北长约350米,近似正方形的占地10.2公顷的子城范围。坐落在这片范围内的古子城核心区域,是金华古城双城格局中的“内城”,是历史上府署、监察、试院、文庙的聚集地,也是金华古代的政治文化中心。 Jinhua Ancient City is an irregular quadrangle with Jiufang Alley to the west, Bayong Road to the north, Dongshi Street to the east and Jiangjun Road to the north. Covering an area of 10.2 hectares, Jinhua Ancient City is the heart of ancient Jinhua's twin cities pattern. It used to be the city's political and cultural center in ancient times as it housed local government departments and the Confucius Temple. 来源:金华新闻客户端、金华政府网 编辑:龚俊 审核:刘秀红、秦继蓉 监制:施力维 |