Dongyang Yearbook Awarded National Special Yearbook
发布日期:2021-01-19 浏览次数:

On December 30, the 7th National Outstanding Local Chronicles (Yearbooks) were announced, and the Dongyang Yearbook (2019)sponsored by the Dongyang Municipal Party Committee and the Dongyang government was awarded National Special Yearbook, one of the top 10 county-level yearbooks. Last year, the Dongyang Yearbook (2019)was also selected into the fourth batch of “Chinese Excellent Yearbooks.” It is the only yearbook in Zhejiang that has won this honor.

The Dongyang Yearbook (2019)has 36 categories, 1533 entries, and a total of 950,000 words. It systematically and accurately records the nature, politics, economy, culture, and social life of Dongyang in 2018. This is the second time that theDongyang Yearbookhas been awarded National Special Yearbook. The Dongyang Yearbook was founded in 1997 and has been issued annually since 2009. The editorial department of the Dongyang Yearbook is devoted to innovation, making the yearbook up-to-date and ingenious, and thus capable of snagging national awards. (Translated by Shen Yingying, edited by Mariam Ayad)




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