Construction in Full Swing
发布日期:2021-01-08 浏览次数:

Light rails, expressways, the renovation of old blocks… the construction workers in Jinhua got off to a lively and busy start during the first workweek of 2021. On the roaring construction sites of some key projects, the contractors were working in full swing against the chilly wind, getting an early start on completing all the tasks of 2021. (Text and photo by Huang Ming, translated by Li Ziyi, edited by Kendra Fiddler)


轻轨工程、高速公路、老旧小区改造……连日来,我市多个重点工程施工现场,一片热火朝天,建设者们吹响了新年奋进的号角,顶着隆冬凛冽的寒风,坚守在工程项目工地,全力冲刺2021年的各项目标。(本报记者 黄鸣 摄)

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