Yiwu’s High-Quality Development Index
发布日期:2021-10-18 浏览次数:

According to the “Research Report of High-Quality Development Index of Small and Medium Cities in China 2021” issued by Gangming Daily, Yiwu has made the lists of 2021 top 100 county-level cities in nationwide comprehensive strength, 2021 top 100 counties in nationwide new-type of urbanization, 2021 top 100 county-level cities in nationwide green development, and 2021 top 100 county-level cities in nationwide innovative technology, ranking 10th, 3rd, 17th, and 24th, respectively. Compared with other cities in Zhejiang, Yiwu ranks high on the four lists.

In recent years, as the world’s capital of small commodities, Yiwu has focused on reform and projects to push forward economic restructuring and city transition, during which Yiwu’s development sought progress while maintaining stability. Various indexes are in the front rank in Jinhua, including fiscal revenue, resident income, and scientific and technological innovation. Yiwu’s economy saw great achievement in 2020: Yiwu’s GDP reached 148.56 billion RMB, an increase of 4%; the amount of exports topped 300 billion RMB, exceeding those of 18 individual provinces; per capita disposable income of the city reached 71,210 RMB, ranking near the top in Zhejiang; permanent urban residents’ per capita disposable income reached 80,137 RMB, ranking in a leading place among nationwide county-level cities for 14 years. (By Wang Ting, translated by Wang Junwen, edited by Kendra Fiddler)

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