CRE’s 600th Trip of 2021
发布日期:2021-12-14 浏览次数:

At 8:45 on the morning of December 7, the X9216/5 Yiwu-Xinjiang-Europe Express (YXE), loaded with textiles, auto parts, daily groceries, hardware, and machine parts totaling $ 2.37 million, departed from Jinhua South Station bound for Uzbekistan. This marks the 600th trip of the YXE operated by the Jindong Platform.

In recent years, with the improvement of the coverage, influence, and transportation efficiency of the China-Europe Railway Express, a growing number of companies have begun using the express trains of the YXE Jindong Platform, and thus the number of trains has continued to increase. Due to COVID-19, export transportation channels have been affected to a certain extent, and the normalized and stable operation of YXE trains has enabled the companies to maintain normal export trade.

As of December 7, the YXE Jindong Platform had made 600 trips in 2021 with 49,576 TEUs, a year-over-year increase of 59%, far exceeding the total of 425 trains last year. Today, the YXE Jindong Platform is a preferred method for logistics transportation in the Yangtze River Delta region for goods such as hardware, daily necessities, home appliances, engineering equipment, and auto parts to reach Central Asia and Central Europe. (Translated by Zhang Jiajia, edited by Kendra Fiddler) 

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