Second-Hand Cars Transported Via China Railway Express
发布日期:2021-02-20 浏览次数:

On February 9, the first second-hand car shipment of Yiwu City embarked on its journey from Yiwu West Railway Station to Bishkek City, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, which marked the first export of a second-hand car since Yiwu became a national pilot area.

Currently, the number of cars in Yiwu exceeds 700,000, which demonstrates the vitality of the second-hand car trading market. On November 30 last year, the Ministry of Commerce held a seminar about second-hand cars and announced the addition of a second batch of pilot areas of second-hand cars, in which Yiwu was one of the 20 areas.

Committed to market-oriented operation, China Railway Express covers diversified business, such as general trade, market procurement, express delivery and international transshipment. Transporting second-hand cars has further enriched the business format of China Railway Express. (Translated by Huang Dan, edited by Mariam Ayad)

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