Booming Hengdian
发布日期:2021-02-23 浏览次数:

As the largest film studio in the world, Hengdian World Studios has attracted more than 1300 film and television companies to set up there. From January to December of 2020, the Hengdian Cinematic and Cultural Industry Cluster Zone achieved an operating income of 15.703 billion RMB, bringing in 90 new companies and 73 new studios, and receiving 367 crews and 9,152,200 visitors.

Lin Juan, a Wenzhou-born employee from the Service Center of Hengdian Group, chose to stay in Hengdian during Spring Festival. “I’ve been working in Hengdian for eight years, and now it has become my home,” said Lin. Hengdian is a place of opportunity which attracts countless young people to pursue their dreams and settle down.

In recent years, Hengdian has focused on infrastructure construction, professional services, and global development. Many people in charge of film and television companies said that the local government not only has standard management capabilities, but also provides policy guidance and financial support, so that companies have direction in script-writing and have confidence in their investments. (By Hu Zhenan, translated by Li Ziyi, edited by Kendra Fiddler)

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