Jinhua Railway Cultural Park
发布日期:2021-02-09 浏览次数:


On February 3, workers brought an old railway car to the Jinhua Railway Cultural Park. Decorated by the green carriage, old-fashioned platforms, and rusty tracks, the park will become a good place for children to learn about railway knowledge and enjoy railway culture. For the adults, they can recall fond memories of their childhood. (Text and photo by Huang Ming, translated by Wei Han, edited by Kendra Fiddler) 


     23日,在市区铁路文化公园,工人们运来了绿皮老火车营造氛围。老式的绿皮火车车厢、怀旧式站台、锈迹斑斑的轨道,公园建成后,孩子们可以在这里了解铁路知识、领略铁路文化,成年人可以在这里找回儿时的绿皮火车记忆。 本报记者 黄鸣

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