Post-Doctoral Research Station in Jinhua
发布日期:2021-03-18 浏览次数:

On March 10, a professionalreview for post-doctoral researcher Breukink Volodymyr, recruited by Zhejiang Hongchang Electrical Technology Co., Ltd, was co-conducted by the post-doctoral research station of the Jinhua Development Zone and the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. This means the post-doctoral scientific research workstation of Zhejiang Hongchang Electrical Technology Co., Ltd. has officially entered the recruitment stage.

Thanks to the global recruitment advertisement released by the Jinhua Development Zone in 2020, more and more of this kind of cooperation will be realized to enhance the international competitiveness of Jinhua’s companies, providing intellectual support for technological innovation.

In recent years, the construction and development of post-doctoral scientific research workstations in the Jinhua Development Zone have made outstanding progress in internationalization, information technology, and talent management. So far, a total of 38 post-doctoral researchers have been introduced and 17 stations have been established in the development zone. Relevant policies have also been issued to support the construction of post-doctoral scientific research workstations. In addition, the development zone provides each post-doctoral researcher with a living allowance of 100,000 RMB per year for two years and grants 50% of the funding for their R&D projects (up to 300,000 RMB). (By Ni Han, translated by Wei Han, edited by Kendra Fiddler)

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