Leadership Visits Jinhua for Investigation
发布日期:2021-04-12 浏览次数:

From March 31 to April 1, Sun Qian, a member of the Leading Party Members Group of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate and deputy chief prosecutor, came to Jinhua to investigate and give guidance to the construction of the city’s grassroots procuratorates. Municipal leaders Cai Yongbo and Lin Yi, deputy secretary of the Provincial Procuratorate Party Group and executive deputy prosecutor Huang Shenglin, the member of Provincial Procuratorate Party Group and director of the Political Department Hu Meikui, and Chief Procurator Zhong Ruiyou of the Municipal Procuratorate were also in attendance.

Sun Qian and the delegation first came to Yiwu International Trade City to learn more about the current status of business operations of merchants. Sun praised them for their exploration into new models and formats for the development and promotion of the rise of trade against the trends.

Shuitang Village in Yiwu is the hometown of Chen Wangdao, the first translator of the complete Chinese version of The Communist Manifesto. The team visited the former residence of Chen Wangdao and Wangdao Exhibition Hall. Sun pointed out that Jinhua should make good use of these “red” resources in order to build a high-quality Party history base, and continue to promote learning and education in Party history.

During his stay in Jinhua, Sun hosted the Supreme People’s Procuratorate at the Lanxi Procuratorate to promote the construction of grassroots procuratorates. He listened to reports and conducted discussions and exchanges on this topic. He pointed out that strengthening the construction of grassroots procuratorates is a prominent focus and strong support for procuratorial work. Everyone must persist in contributing to the overall situation, serving the people with justice, giving full play to the functions of the grassroots procuratorate, and being loyal, professional, and kind-hearted governors. (By Hu Ruizhe, translated by Jiang Yifan, edited by Kendra Fiddler)

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