Jinhua to establish new vocational college
发布日期:2021-04-14 浏览次数:


The Zhejiang Water Resources Department and the Finance Department of Zhejiang Province recently announced the list for the 2021 Pilot Counties in Construction of Happy Rivers and Lakes and Pujiang county, administered by Jinhua, made the cut. "Happy rivers and lakes" – the 2.0 version of "beautiful rivers and lakes" – is set to showcase the achievements in river and lakes conservation, balanced environment, green development and quality life for locals.

近日,浙江科贸职业技术学院 (筹)收到《浙江省人民政府关于正式设立浙江金华科贸职业技术学院的批复》,文件指出:根据《高等职业学校设置标准(暂行)》《高等学校命名暂行办法》等有关规定,同意学院正式设立并命名为浙江金华科贸职业技术学院。

The People's Government of Zhejiang Province recently gave the nod to preparations for and the official naming of the Zhejiang Jinhua Vocational College of Science and Trade, according to the Interim Measures for Standards for Establishment of Higher Vocational Schools and the Interim Measures on Naming of Institutions of Higher Learning.

学院系非营利性全日制民办高等职业学校,由浙江大昌教育发展有限公司举办,近期规划办学规模8000 人。学院要进一步明确办学定位和发展重点,加强师资队伍建设,完善法人治理结构,提高办学水平和人才培养质量,提升服务地方经济社会发展能力。

The college is a non-profit, full-time private higher vocational school, funded by Zhejiang Dachang Education Development Co Ltd, with a designed capacity for 8,000 students. The college will further map out its education and development orientation, boost its teaching staff, consolidate its administration and the quality of personnel training, as well as extend its ability to serve the local economic and social development.


The Zhejiang Jinhua Vocational College of Science and Trade covers an area of 16.73 hectares, with a campus building floor space of 71,449 square meters. The total value of teaching equipment will be 18.53 million yuan ($2.83 million).

Currently, there are 203 full-time teachers, of whom 100 teaching staff have a master's degree or above, 41 have associate senior titles or above. There are now 3,643 students on campus.



The college has planned a new campus covering an area of 36.67 hectares. With its goal of "building a high-quality college with distinctive characteristics of school-enterprise integration and cultivating high-skilled talent with both moral integrity and technical skills", the college will aim to give full play to the institutional advantages of enterprises in running the college, deepen the further integration of production and education, while contributing to higher vocational education in Zhejiang.


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