200 O2 Machines Donated to Nepal
发布日期:2021-05-24 浏览次数:

The Lanxi-based Hongshi Group has donated 200 oxygen machines to Nepal. The machines arrived in Kathmandu on the afternoon of May 11.

The data officially released from the Nepal government showed that since 24 hours before the delivery of the machines, the newly diagnosed cases of COVID-19 hit a record high, as well as the number of deaths from COVID. Many hospitals in Nepal have thus been confronted with a severe shortage of sickbeds and oxygen tanks. The situation caused many delays in treatment and control in the country. Hongshi Group arranged the oxygen machines donation in a timely manner in a hope to help ease the pain.

A ceremony celebrating the donation was held in the yard of the Ministry of Health and Population. Minister Mr. Hridayesh Tripathi confirmed at the ceremony that the assistance from Hongshi Group is of significance to the current condition in Nepal. They much appreciated the generosity from Hongshi. All the machines will be allocated to where they are in need the most.

A representative from the group also expressed their hope that their help could relieve the emergency to some extent.

The headquarters of Hongshi Group is located in Lanxi. It is a top 500 enterprise, as well as one of the top 500 private enterprises in China. As one of the twelve large-sized cement companies, Hongshi has over 50 companies across 10 provinces at home and countries like Laos, Nepal, Indonesia, and Myanmar. One of its companies in Nepal is a key project along the Belt and Road, with a total investment of $350 million. It has already built a production line of 6000 tons of cement daily. In addition, the company also worked with a local charity. It invested over 1.7 billion NPR on local infrastructures, education, medical health, and drinking water. Due to its contribution, it was awarded enterprise honors several times by the Nepalese government. (By Yang Yizhi, translated by Lin Yuqin, edited by Mariam Ayad) 

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