Hengdian PV Park: Jinhua’s First 35 kV Substation
发布日期:2021-09-08 浏览次数:

Jinhua’s first mobile modular substation of 35 kV, the Yafan Substation, was put into operation in the city of Dongyang. It will inject sufficient power for operation of the Hengdian Magnetics Photovoltaic Park.

The Hengdian Magnetics PV Park plans to invest 1.226 bn RMB to realize a new-generation 4GW high-efficiency monocrystalline cells project at its 7th Solar Plant, planning to produce an annual output of 4GW, with an installed capacity of 50,000 kVA of electrical equipment. Since the existing lines under construction can only bear the load demand of 30,000 kVA, there is still a gap of 20,000 kVA to be filled. In order to meet the PV Park power demand, the Dongyang Power Supply Company of State Grid proposed a mobile “energy plug” plan, consisting of a 35 kV mobile modular substation.

After confirming the plan, the Dongyang Power Supply Company committed to the rapid realization of the substation and worked overtime to complete the construction of mobile substations and three iron towers as well as the installation of 400 meters of high-voltage cables and 1.3 kilometers of overhead lines in only one and a half months. (By Chen Yun, translated by Marco Lovisetto, edited by Mariam Ayad)

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