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Dongyang Stands Out in Provincial Digital Economy System
数字经济系统建设综合考核名列全省县市区首位 东阳打造数字经济领域变革高地

发布时间: 2022-01-11

On December 27, Dongyang City ranked first among the counties (cities, districts) of Zhejiang Province in the comprehensive assessment results announced by the special class of the construction of the provincial digital economy system.

The digital economy system is one of the components of the “152” system of digital reform* in Zhejiang. The 152 system is the main battlefield of digital reform in the economic field and aims to build a modern economic system centered on the digital economy. The “152” system can not only provide services for the government’s intelligent adjustment of the economy, but also meet the needs of high-quality development of companies.

Since 2021, Dongyang has based the core of its growth on “Industry + Future Factory,” starting from the construction of major applications, and the construction of the digital economy system has achieved great success.

Hengdian DMC’s “Monocrystalline Cell Future Factory” is one of the first 12 “future factories” in the province and the only one in the municipality of Jinhua. The electricity consumption by unit of the factory is 41.7% lower than the industry standard, and the unit water consumption is 53% lower than the industry standard. Total nitrogen emissions have been reduced by 360 tons/year. Information on production management and energy management is clear on the monitoring platform at the entrance of the plant. To date, these data have been uploaded to the magnetic material industry Internet platform in real time through the 5G network.

Presently, Dongyang enables magnetic electronics, the city’s leading industry, to function as an entry point to create local characteristic applications of the magnetic industrial Internet platform and promotes application empowerment with the model of “company’s digital manufacturing, industry leveling services.” It selected three pilot projects to build digital workshops and smart factories from industry sample demonstrations. The platform has developed and launched 15 industrial apps, connected more than 3,800 sets of equipment, and connected more than 150 upstream and downstream industrial chain companies.

The magnetic material industry Internet platform is one of the six local characteristic applications that Dongyang’s digital economy focuses on. Since 2021, Dongyang has actively promoted the construction of local characteristic applications in accordance with the system construction method of “top-level design, incremental development, upgrade” of the digital reform.

Since 2021, Dongyang has taken the digital reform as the driving force to accelerate the intelligent transformation and digital transformation of companies. It has successively held the “Future Factory” observation meeting and the digital economy software empowerment matchmaking meeting to encourage companies to benchmark advanced standards and total investment in the integration of two industrialization projects. This is an increase of 32.9% from 2020. From January to November 2021,  Dongyang achieved an added value of 5.357 billion RMB in the core industry of the digital economy, a year-over-year increase of 30.5%, which was 9.5 percentage points higher than the province’s average. (By Chen Qiyu, translated by Zhang Jiajia, edited by Mariam Ayad)

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