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Jin Liang: Security Guard of the Virtual World

发布时间: 2022-01-12

Jin Liang, the head of the network security team of Dongyang Public Security Bureau, has worked on guarding network security for 14 years. Well-trained Internet security police can utilize network techniques to obtain evidence and information that other types of police officers cannot obtain, and provide technical support for case investigation and Internet supervision.

In order to quickly improve his professional abilities, Jin Liang worked hard on basic skills, continued to practice and study, and participated in various competitions. In the special campaign against telecommunication and network fraud in 2013, Jin Liang traveled to 11 provinces for more than 100 days and cracked five cross-provincial network fraud cases.

Jin Liang has been recognized as “Jinhua Outstanding People’s Policeman” and “Zhejiang Network Security Expert”, won the third-class personal merit three times, and won second place in Zhejiang Network Security Information Investigation Competition and first place in Jinhua Network Security Information Investigation Competition. He has also led the Dongyang Internet Security team to win first place in the Jinhua Police Competition. (By Xu Jianyong, translated by Shen Yingying, edited by Mariam Ayad)

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