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Zhejiang Wu Opera Troupe on CCTV

发布时间: 2022-01-12

In the New Year, the Wu Opera Troupe of the Zhejiang Wu Opera Academy  frequently appears on CCTV’s large evening parties. When the “2022 New Year Opera Party” was broadcast on CCTV-1 at 8 pm on January 1, the Wu Opera Troupe showed off its style in the play “Happy Huaguo Mountain.” This is the sixth time the Troupe has participated in this nationwide opera party.

In the opera competition program “Blockbuster (Yīmíng Jīngrén),” the Wu opera “Lü Bu Tests the Horse (Lǚ Bù Shìmǎ),” co-performed by Zhejiang actors Zhou Hongwei and Tao Yongjing, was evaluated by judge Wang Ping, former director of the Tianjin Peking Opera House, as the best performance he saw on the recording site.

For Spring Festival, the CCTV Opera Channel will broadcast the “2022 Spring Festival Opera Evening” during prime time that evening. The Wu Opera Troupe will have two shows in this event: “Mu Guiying – Encounter in front of the Formation (Zhènqián Xièhòu),” performed by Yang Xiayun and Lou Sheng as the two main actors, and a creative show called “Jue (Jué),” performed by Song Baoduan and other young actors, showing their unique skills in traditional Chinese opera and martial arts.

At this year’s CCTV’s Lantern Festival Opera Party, martial arts actors from the Zhejiang Wu Opera Troupe will also perform a wonderful martial arts show. (By Miao Xia, translated by Jiang Yifan, edited by Kendra Fiddler)

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