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International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction
国际减灾日 防灾减灾小知识①

发布时间: 2022-10-27

October 13, 2022 is the 33rd International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, with the theme of "Early warning and early action for all." It aims to improve the disaster risk prevention and response capacity of the society by establishing and upgrading the early warning and emergency response mechanism for natural disasters led by the government, participated by society, and coordinated by all parties.

Today is the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction. Here are some things everyone should know.

Try to avoid dangerous areas, such as electric poles, voltage transformers, advertisement board structures, and other dangerous areas.

When a vehicle falls into water, it will not sink immediately, and it will not be powered off immediately. At this time, the electronic central lock should be quickly opened, open the door then escape quickly. If the vehicle has been powered off and the door or window cannot be opened, you should break the window.

Move to higher ground and, if necessary, climb as high as possible on a sturdy object and wait for help. If you fall into water, please keep calm, try to float on the water, keep your head above the water, and loudly call for help.

Stay indoors, remember to close all the doors and windows. Check and properly arrange outdoor objects vulnerable to strong wind, such as flower pots, external air-conditioners, scaffolding, etc.

Don't panic when you get onvolved in a natural disaster. To stay safe during a natural disaster, please learn more about disaster risk reduction.

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