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Outstanding young scholar from Jinhua

发布时间: 2022-08-29

On August 22, Wang Jianwei, modern optics research center of physics institute of Peking University, won the C.N. Yang Award 2022, becoming the only winner in Mainland of China. Specific contributions: developed large-scale integrated programmable quantum chip technology, realized the preparation and quantum control of complex quantum entanglement on the chip, and promoted the development of quantum computing chips for different quantum computing stages.

Wang Jianwei, researcher of physics institute of Peking University, Boya young scholar, born in Jindong District, Jinhua City.

The C.N. Yang Award was jointly established by the Asia-Pacific Federation of physical societies and the Asia-Pacific Center for theoretical physics. It aims to commend young scientific researchers who have made outstanding research achievements in the Asia-Pacific region, so as to promote the development of young scientists in the field of physics in this region. The C.N. Yang Award is handed out once a year, and three people are awarded each time. 2022 is the eleventh session.

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