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Yue Opera Experience in Yiwu
义乌:老外“入戏” 传统文化演绎“新时尚”

发布时间: 2023-02-17

Alex from Finland put on his costume and immediately took a short video of himself tossing the long sleeves, presenting a folding fan, and walking on the stage. In addition to showing his love for Chinese culture, he also showed some newly learned movements of Yue opera (Shaoxing opera).

Organized by the Yiwu Cultural Center, the Party Committee of the Jimingshan Community, and the Tongyue Social Work Service Center, internationals from Switzerland, Syria, Germany, Finland, and other countries gathered at the Yiwu Cultural Square Theater on the afternoon of February 9 to take a lesson in Yue opera.

At the beginning of the lesson, the head of the Zhejiang Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe introduced the origin, main types of roles, and genres of Yue opera. After that, the participants put on costumes, walked on the stage, used long ‘water sleeves,’ and held folding fans to personally experience Yue opera.

Later, the participants followed Li Xiaowen, a national first-class actor, backstage to learn about the costumes and props of Yue opera, including the hats, fans, knives, spears, swords, and more, which are used by young male and female characters. They also visited the dressing room to watch how the actors do their makeup and hair.

Photographed by Wu Langwen

Alex, the Finn who regards himself as a Yiwunese, has previously lived in many countries, and coming to Yiwu was a wise and happy decision for him. “I came to Yiwu in 2012, and I married a woman from Yiwu. Now I am a happy Yiwunese,” said Alex. He loves Yiwu, his “second hometown,” and unremittingly introduces Chinese culture to the world on social media. (By Fang Wei, translated by Jin Haiqiong, edited by Kendra Fiddler)

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